Accessibility Tip of the Week

Sometimes, it's the simple things.

  • Summary: Check the spelling and grammar of all communications.
  • Who it helps: People with cognitive disabilities and other language barriers are supported by having good spelling and grammar.
  • Additional benefits: Correct spelling and grammar convey a professional presence and all readers can more easily understand your message.

It sounds basic, but correct spelling and grammar play an important role in making sure your content is clear and readable. In particular, well-written content helps:

  • People with cognitive and learning disabilities like dyslexia can have increased difficulty understanding content with spelling and grammar errors.
  • People using assistive technology such as screen readers. Incorrect spelling and grammar will force your audience to stop and listen to words letter by letter to understand what they hear.
  • Individuals who have difficulty reading or are non-native speakers can have a hard time understanding content with spelling and grammar errors.

Content with correct spelling and grammar also convey professionalism and trustworthiness.

What can I do?

After you have written your content, take the time to check the spelling and grammar before sending or posting. Build these habits into your writing process:

  • Turn on built-in spelling and grammar checkers while you write and do a final check when you’re done writing.
  • Use a more advanced tool to double-check your spelling and grammar, such as:
  • Review the content one last time or ask someone else to proofread it. Automated spelling and grammar checkers aren’t perfect - they can miss nuances that are important for a specific context.
    • Start by taking a critical look at your content.
    • Try to look at your content from your audience’s point of view.
    • Focus on context-based errors that are not always caught by automated tools.

Learn more about writing clearly at .

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If you are promoting accessibility within your organization or community, sending out easy-to-understand tips can be a helpful addition to your strategy. You are welcome to share the tips here under the mentioned Creative Commons license, as long as you cite Accessible Community as your source.