Mission and Vision

Our vision.

Establishing and nurturing
disability-inclusive communities through ethical technology.

Accessible Community is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides tools, resources and an online community to bring together accessibility experts, volunteers, businesses, organizational and community leaders, and individuals with disabilities to create a more inclusive world.

Image depicting Accessible Community's vision. Four circles connected with our logo. Contained in the circles are People with Disabilities, Local Organizations, Community Leaders, and Accessibility Experts.

Our mission.

  • Empower people with disabilities to be part of the conversation about inclusion and accessibility in their communities by creating a safe platform to share positive experiences.
  • Motivate organizations to include people with disabilities by making accessibility a visible market advantage.
  • Provide tools and an online community that connects and advances disability-related professions.

Our goals.

  • Connect people with disabilities to the organizations where they can be successful, and
  • Help community organizations become more disability inclusive.

Our motivation.

One in every three households includes someone who has a disability. These individuals and families often struggle to find places in their community where they can successfully shop, eat, and participate in community life.

  • Communities matter. Being a part of a local community is important.
  • Local communities are made up of people and small organizations.
  • A majority of small organizations do not have the knowledge or resources to effectively reach people with disabilities.
  • People with disabilities want to be a part of their community and part of the solution in removing barriers to that community.
  • We can incentivize those people and organizations we partner with by creating scenarios where all parties win.

Communities are people.

We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.

27% of adults in the United States have at least one type of disability. These individuals and families may struggle to find places in their community where they can successfully shop, eat, and participate in community life. When they are successful, they will often recommend those places to their local social circle, especially to those who face similiar challenges.

People with disabilities want to be included in the discussions about how to make an environment more inclusive. "Nothing about us without us" has become a rallying cry for their desire to be involved.

Communities are made up of small organizations.

Over 98% of the 32.5 million small businesses {pdf} in America have less than 20 employees. These small businesses, along with non-profits, religious congregations, and other community organizations make up a large portion of the world we live in.

Yet, few of these organizations can afford to hire accessibility expertise. As a result, these organizations often fail to serve the 56.7 million Americans with disabilities . This gap discriminates against individuals with diverse abilities and undermines these organizations, who miss out on the over $200 billion of discretionary spending they possess.

Business partners discussing work arranging business papers and charts on floor