
 Alone we can do so little;
Together we can do so much. 

Accessible Community is a volunteer-led and staffed 501(c)3 organization. We welcome any contributions to help make our communities more accessible and disability-inclusive.

Volunteer Teams

Thank you for wanting to learn about our volunteer opportunities at Accessible Community. We have different teams to choose from, and we have provided decriptions of each team to help you choose one (or more) to join. Everyone, including our staff, is a volunteer.

All our teams meet virtually. This allows us to have an international team of volunteers.

After you determine which team(s) you want to volunteer with, or if you think you could help in another way not listed, fill out our volunteer form.

Administrative Team

As a volunteer-led nonprofit, Accessible Community is growing every month. Our Admin team provides assistance completing a number of administrative tasks such as setting up events and locating internships. If you have a couple of hours a week and are skilled at searching , organizing or coordinating, we could use your help. Our tasking is mainly handled through email and Slack.

Content Team

Ta11y's learning content team joins accessibility novices with experienced professionals to produce our accessibility guidance.

  • Writers can grow their skills and expand their knowledge.
  • Editors can help others improve their writing skills.
  • Artists can support content with reinforcing images.
  • Experts can review content and help others learn.

We ask you to dedicate 3-5 hours a week, attend a weekly stand-up, and use Slack to stay connected between meetings. We use writing guides, templates, and a review process to ensure a final product you will be proud to include in your portfolio.

Development Team

Web developers that work together to build our tools and websites. We welcome both experienced and inexperienced programmers who can dedicate at least 3-5 hours a week. Frontend development consists of React and Vue-based solutions with Bootstrap, while backend developers utilize Python, Django, FastAPI, SqlAlchemy and Postgres.

Team communication occurs via Slack with stand-ups occurring on weekly basis. If you have some development skills and are willing to help build tools for people with disabilities, please reach out.

Evaluations Team

The Evaluations Team tests the web site accessibility of small organizations that can't afford accessibility audits. This allows professionals who are learning about accessibility to practice and get feedback while helping smaller community organizations. We ask that participants review sites using ta11y for a few hours each week and attend a weekly meeting.

Leadership Team

Accessible Community's leadership team manages the services and products that Accessible Community provides. We welcome volunteers with an interest in project management, finance, and other leadership skills to apply for consideration in joining this team. Accessible Community strives to be a disability led organization - lived experience with disability is an important part of this area.

Social Media Team

Our communications and social media team creates engaging content that educates others about accessibility, disability-inclusion and other related topics. If you have skills as an content creator, image or video editor or enjoy putting thoughts to paper, we'd love for you to be a part of our team!

User Experience (UX) Team

Accessible Community's User Experience (UX) team works collaboratively to create inclusive and user-friendly digital experiences for all. Grounded in the principles of human-centered design, the team conducts research to gain deep insights into user behaviors, preferences, and pain points. This research allows the team to design digital experiences that enables a diverse set of users to utilize Accessible Community's toolset.

Currently, we are not looking for additional UX team volunteers. If you are interested in participating in an upcoming user research activity, please reach out.

Volunteer Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Accessible Community.

We are a growing international community of volunteers working together to improve our communities for people with disabilities.

We are looking for individuals with passion and dedication who are willing to spend about 4 hours a week volunteering their talents. To succeed, we need a wide variety of skills.

If you are interested in volunteering your time and talents, then please complete the form below.

Required fields have an asterisk (*).

The email you would like us to associate with your account accesses. This is ideally a Gmail address.
The country where you spend the majority of your time.
Please list any accomodations that you need for remote meetings and/or work.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Accessible Community. We'll be in touch shortly.