Tools and services for equity.

We create tools and services to teach accessibility and promote accessible organizations. We practice what we preach; the tools we develop are fully accessible, following the best practices, guidelines and standards to ensure usability, not just compliance.
Getting started in accessibility? Learn more with our Tip of the Week.

An online tool for learning about and evaluating the accessibility of social media, websites, facilities, events and procedures.

A platform for communities, local government, organizations and accessibility professionals to share information and ideas.

A tool for people with disabilities to find and recommend organizations and events where they can participate and engage.

The "a11y" in our tool names stands for accessibility (there are 11 letters between the 'a' and 'y').


Accessibility is in the details and checklists help evaluate and track accessibility.

tally provides a free, accessible way to use publicly available checklists without printing out hundreds of pages of paper. This one-stop online tool makes it easier to start and evaluate an accessibility program, evaluate web or facility accessibility, spot check social media posts, or plan an accessible event. Results are retained for future use and private.

Target Audience: Anyone who wants to learn more about disability inclusion and use checklists to manage their progress.

What it is not: A certification or legal guarantee of accessibility.

A screenshot of


An online community to connect and advance disability-related professionals. mutually provides a platform for accessibility professionals and others interested to collaborate on projects and ideas; thus establishing "open-source accessibility."

  • The mutually mentoring program matches senior accessibility experts with novice accessibility professionals to mentor and guide them in their career development.
  • mutually pathways advertises and promotes apprenticeships, internships and fellowships in various accessibility and disability-inclusion industries.
  • A combination of discussion threads and workshops focus on helping advance accessibility by creating new resources and approaches.

Target Audience: Accessibility and disability-inclusion professionals.

What it is not: A job board, digital only though we are starting by focusing on the digital space.


locally provides an online tool for people with disabilities to find and recommend local organizations and events where they can successfully engage and participate. locally is designed by people with disabilities for people with disabilities. It is also designed to celebrate and recognize local organizations. A user can recommend organizations by disability where they are successful, share comments about their experiences, and search against information relevant to their disability. It also supports organizations by allowing them to promote their accessibility and review feedback before it becomes public.

locally also includes a calendar of events that can be filtered by organization or by disability. This allows people with disabilities and their caretakers to find events where they can participate. It also allows organizations to work together to coordinate, deconflict and promote disability related events.

Target Audience: People with Disabilities. Organizations that want to reach people with disabilities in their community.

What it is not: Google Maps or Yelp. locally reports positive feedback only and centers on accessibility, rather than quality of services.