Blogs during April 2024

Looking for people with disabilities to help us design our next tool

Brian Montgomery
Technical Director
Middle-aged male with brown and gray hair, hazel eyes and glasses.
April 29, 2024

Accessible Community is currently in the design phase for locally. Locally, pronounced “locally”, is a community-oriented website which will help connect people with disabilities to local organizations where they can succeed. These might be organizations that provide direct services or might be organizations that have put in the effort to make their services accessible.

We are hoping locally will enable individuals with disabilities (and their caretakers) to:

  • Engage actively in their their communities and improve their experiences,
  • Provide insights about their interactions with their local organizations, and
  • Share experiences attending venues and events in their local area.

We are looking for adults with a disability or caretakers of a person with a disability to participate in a 30-45 minute interview. Your knowledge and insight will help us to design this site and drive positive change. The interview will be completely confidential. Unfortunately, we do not have funding to provide compensation for participating.

If you are interested, please complete the interview form. Thank you for your support!

A special thanks to Toptal’s TopVolunteer program for supporting us in this effort.