Blogs by Rachael Bradley Montgomery

Free ways to create a transcript

Rachael Bradley Montgomery
Founder & Executive Director
middle age woman with silver hair and blue eyes.
February 8, 2024

Transcripts are helpful for accessibility:

  • They provided access for people who are deaf-blind and are particularly helpful when they include important visual descriptions (descriptive transcripts).
  • They provide a way to access video content for people who would prefer not watch the video as well as search engines. These individuals may read faster, find videos distracting or may struggle with video content due to a disability.
  • They provide a quicker way to create clean captions if you are working in a system that doesn’t automatically caption and allow you to clean them up.

So how can you create a quick transcript? Below are three ways to do so:

Using Microsoft Word 365

  1. Open Word in the web interface.
  2. Make sure MS Word has access to your microphone. You can check this in the URL bar for the page.
  3. Open the Dictate menu in the Home ribbon (indicated by a microphone) and select Transcribe.
  4. Set the Language.
  5. Upload the audio or video file and wait.
  6. This creates a full transcript with timestamps.
    • You can edit each time stamp or edit after you’ve added the content to the document.

Using Zoom

  1. Open a new meeting.
  2. Open “View Full Transcript” under the caption menu and set the language for captions and transcriptions.
    • Settings need to enable captions and saving transcriptions for this to work.
  3. Open the video on your computer.
  4. Share screen and check the “Share Sound” checkbox in the lower corner.
  5. Play the video.
  6. Save the transcript before you close the meeting.

Using an iPhone and computer

  1. Enable dictation in settings.
  2. Open the notes application on your iPhone and place the cursor at the top.
  3. Open the video on your computer.
  4. Turn on dictation in the lower left corner.
  5. Play the video with the iPhone near the speakers.